Carry out scientific and technological innovation activities

Cultivate future innovative talents

少年強則國家強 宋慶齡少年兒童發明獎

少年強則國家強 宋慶齡少年兒童發明獎





The Open Student Forum of the 12th Tomorrow Science and Technology Star Selection Activity




The 15th Soong Ching Ling Children's Invention Awards

The final evaluation of the 15th Soong Ching Ling Children's Invention Award hosted by the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation and the China Invention Association was held on August 15th to 19th, 2018 at the China Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Technology Cultural Exchange The center is grandly he...

2018 Hong Kong International Student Innovation and Invention Competition

The general judging, public exhibition and award ceremony of the "2018 Hong Kong International Student Innovation and Invention Competition" organized by the eleven primary and secondary schools of Yan Chai Hospital were held on December 15 at Cyberport, Hong Kong. The competition is mainly aimed a...

2019 National Invention Exhibition - Theme is "Invention, Innovation, Cooperation, Win-Win"

Sponsored by the China Invention Association and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the above-mentioned activities undertaken by the Foshan Municipal People's Government were grandly held at the Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in Foshan City from No...

Hong Kong Invention and Innovation Gallery-Opening Ceremony

In order to promote the younger generation's interest in invention, innovation and technology and the industrialization of their achievements, the Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation cooperates with Longhua Hotel, one of the oldest hotels in Hong Kong, to establish the "Hong Kong Invent...

2017 Invention Explorers

In order to provide a public platform to display the innovative inventions and popular science works of students and individuals in Macao, share them with the public and The exchange allows everyone to further understand the local innovation and invention situation, hoping to popularize scientific k...

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